Oh, What a Night! Showcase and Gallery Success
Our first Being Female: Art as Empowerment Showcase of creative women in the arts held on International Women's Day, March 8th, was a resounding success. The evening began with the exhibition of art in the gallery at the Center for the Arts in Homer, NY. Comments, praise, and excitement about the artworks were heard throughout the well-attended exhibition.
Then the action moved to the stage where sixteen performances were held before an enthusiastic audience. Photographer/artist Karen Dillon acted as M.C., keeping the evening performers on track before reading her own work near the end of the night. Colleen Kattau concluded the performances with two powerful songs followed by a delightful, raucous hula-hoop dance and song number.
During the well-attended event, stage performers included Nancy Dafoe, Mary Elliott, Off the Mountain musicians, Wren Tuatha, Susan Eschbach, Annie Ol' Thyme musicians, Patty Francis, Priscilla Berggren-Thomas, Kristin Yarnell, Margaret Mellott, Maria Arnold, Karen Dillon, Beth McRae, and Eli Baez. Everyone left smiling and energized. Making a difference through art was the unwritten theme of the night.
The following day, on Saturday, March 9th, Being Female writers and musicians led workshops, including one on journal making, a comedy-writing workshop, and a song lyrics workshop. The workshops were also well attended.
A few of the poems and prose performed at the Showcase and scenes from the art gallery exhibition are shown here.
Lauren Nels sculpture
Karen Dillon instructing during her workshop on journal making.
A view from the gallery exhibition
Deborah Putman art
Pam Jenkins with one of her sculptures
Poet Lynn Olcott reads Margaret Mellott's poetry and art collection.
Lily Byrne's art
A view to the gallery exhibition